World's First Video-Based Parenting Discussion Program, Founded by Dr Michael Popkin, PhD, U.S.A
For Parents of 5 to 12-year-olds
6-Sessions, Once a Week
Interactive Sessions
Video-Based | Activity Based​
Empower Yourself and Your Child by Using the Tested and
Proven Techniques Taught in this Powerful Workshop!

Session I:
The Active Parent

✓ Styles of parenting

✓ The method of choice

✓ How brain development affects
Session II:
Cooperation & Communication

✓ Who owns the problem?

✓ Using active communication

✓ Feelings, empathy, and
problem-solving skills.
Session III:
Responsibility & Discipline

✓ Effective non-violent discipline

✓ "I" messages

✓ Logical consequences
Session IV:
Building Courage & Self-Esteem
✓ The Think-Feel-Do Cycle
✓ The power of encouragement
Session V:
Understanding and Redirecting Misbehavior
✓ Why children misbehave
✓ Eliminating power struggles
✓ Handling anger
✓ Problem-solving with FLAC (as seen on
Session VI:
Active Parenting for School Success
✓ 7 Smart Things for School Success
✓ Structuring homework time
✓ Family talks
✓ How to start now to prevent future use of
tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
Today’s world poses so many challenges for the parent and the child that a guideline to improve and maintain communication is of utmost importance. Active Parenting is the science of modern parenting if I may say so. Using the tools and techniques of Active Parenting, a lot of situations that earlier ended unpleasantly are now resolved magically. I am grateful to Rupal for listening so patiently to me and guiding me along the right path. The course was a unique experience and it enabled me to see myself and my family from a different perspective.
The "Active Parenting" Programme helped me realise that I was not alone in the endeavour to be the "Best Mom In the World"; there were other obsessed people like me, too. How are we supposed to just know what is the right thing to do in any given situation? The "Active Parenting" programme helped in so many ways. It has made me a better listener, as well as a better communicator. This has really improved my relationship with my children. Rupal's passion and immense experience made everything so easy. It was a brilliant learning experience.